Catie Come Home

Our adoption journey to Guatemala

April 11, 2005

We're On Our Way, Baby Girl

Happy 5-month birthday, Catie! It's about 4:30 a.m. here in Virginia, USA, and Mommy, Daddy, Brother, Sister and Mamaw and Papaw are headed out the door for Guatemala to come and get you. You have been part of our family in heart since the day you were born, but we can't wait to have you in our arms this afternoon.

We still haven't decided who will get to meet you first. When we went to Guatemala three years ago to adopt your older sister, Elli, our dear friend Stephanie had the honor of meeting you and your foster mother first in the lobby of the Princess Reforma hotel. Only one person was allowed to go to the lobby for the initial meeting, and neither Mommy nor I would let the other see you before the other. So Stephanie saved the day.

With Mamaw and Papaw making the trip this time, the big question is which grandparent will esteem the other higher than himself/herself and let the other see your beauty first. I have a feeling it could be a big controversy. And once you get to our hotel room, I'm sure there's going to be a big line of people crowding around for cuddles! Try not to be scared. We can't help ourselves; we just love you so much and can't wait to hold you. It has been a long five months, and, Lord willing, we'll all be together soon.

Take care of yourself today, Katydid (aka, "The Bug"). We can't wait to meet you and make our family whole once again.


  • At 4/11/2005 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Danny, Kimberly, Anthony, Eliana, and Catherine (and Mawmaw and Pawpaw, too),

    Just want you all to know I prayed for you today! May the Lord bless each of you and keep you safe, and may He return you all back home to the U.S. as soon as possible.

    In His precious love,



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